L&D’s Role in Cultivating Racial Equity in the Workplace (CREW)
A Talk by Liza Wisner (she/they/y'all) , Jessica Jackson and Megan Torrance
About this Talk
What is learning and development’s role in cultivating racial equity? How can we in the L&D space make meaningful connections to conversations about race and social identities, recognize individual’s feelings and perceptions, and design learning experiences that are equitable for all?
Join social equity expert, Jess Jackson, and CEO of TorranceLearning, Megan Torrance, as they explore how to discuss the intersection of race and other social identities within L&D. Walk away with key resources and tools to help you assess if structures, processes, and social interactions are equitable and discover how to make impactful decisions for your training and learning solutions.
In this webinar you will learn how to:
- Assess your current structures and processes through a DEI lense
- Discuss the intersection of race and social identities to address inequity across other aspects of marginalization (gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity)
- Make impactful decisions that ensure your training and learning solutions are more equitable
⭐ Slides, handouts and chat: https://trello.com/c/EkKHpmVf