DEI December Summit: Defining your DEI Anchor for 2022
A Talk by Tara Cooper (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Consultant, OpenSesame)
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Defining your DEI Anchor for 2022: DEI has become a core value and indicator in organizational success and that reality will continue into 2022. Even as different DEI topics trend, one constant thread is that not every employee understands the importance or their specific role in advancing their company’s DEI goals. It is time to move the DEI conversation beyond just, "it's the right thing to do," and go deeper to clarify the "why" and what you are actually going to do. Join us to talk about what it means to build your "why" to be your anchor and source of stability for what you will ultimately do as individuals and as a company. And be prepared for some new tips and strategies for thinking about how you use your "why" in figuring "what to do" to advance the DEI efforts in your workplace.