Honor Native Land
To Optimize DEI and be HEROes of Inclusion, we should all strive to create a better future by fostering conversations about the history of colonialism, Indigenous ways of knowing, and settler-Indigenous relations. Our mission is to go beyond old ways of talking about Indigenous people and to develop a platform where Indigenous communities can represent themselves and their histories on their own terms. We aim to improve the relationship of people, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, with the land around them and with the real history and sacredness of that land. To learn more about land acknowledgements and the history of the land you inhabit, please visit the website https://native-land.ca

Why are Land Acknowledgements that Honor Native Land Important?
Land acknowledgements are important because they provide an opportunity for us to recognize the history and ongoing presence of Indigenous peoples on the land we occupy. It is a way to acknowledge the Indigenous peoples who were forcibly removed from their land and whose cultures and traditions were systematically suppressed. It is a way to recognize that the land we live on is not simply a commodity to be owned and exploited, but a sacred place with deep cultural and spiritual significance to Indigenous peoples.
Moreover, land acknowledgements challenge us to examine our own relationship with the land and with Indigenous peoples. They encourage us to think about how we can be better allies to Indigenous communities, how we can support their struggles for sovereignty and self-determination, and how we can work towards a more just and equitable society.
Ultimately, land acknowledgements are an act of humility and respect. They remind us that we are not the only inhabitants of this land and that our actions have consequences for future generations. By acknowledging the Indigenous peoples whose land we occupy, we can begin to build relationships based on mutual understanding and respect, and work together towards a more just and sustainable future.
Access the Native Land Digital Map: https://native-land.ca/
How to do a Land Acknowledgement to Honor Native Land:
When doing a land acknowledgement, it's important to do your research and understand the history of the land you are on. This includes learning about the Indigenous communities who are the traditional custodians of the land, their history, culture, and current issues they are facing.
Once you have this information, you can craft a meaningful acknowledgement that is respectful and genuine. It can be done before an event or meeting, or even at the beginning of each day. It's important to speak from the heart and use your own words, but here's an example of what you might say:
"I would like to begin by acknowledging that we are gathered on the traditional territory of the [Name of Indigenous community/ies]. We honor their connection to this land, and recognize their ongoing contributions to the world we share. We acknowledge the history of colonization and the lasting impact it has had on Indigenous peoples and communities, and commit to learning more and doing better as we move forward."
Remember, land acknowledgements are just one small step towards reconciliation and decolonization. It's important to take action and support Indigenous communities in meaningful ways. This can include learning more about Indigenous issues, supporting Indigenous-led initiatives, and advocating for Indigenous rights and sovereignty.
Sample Text to Post on a Chat or Social Media:
πΊοΈ If you are interested in Land Acknowledgements: https://native-land.ca
Sample Social Media Post about Honoring Native Land:
ππ±π Let's take a moment to honor the Indigenous peoples who have cared for and cultivated the land we now call home. π Land acknowledgement is a simple yet powerful way to recognize the historical and ongoing relationship between Indigenous peoples and their traditional lands. πΊοΈ If you are interested in Land Acknowledgements go to: https://native-land.ca ππΏ By acknowledging the land we stand on, we can start to build a better future together. π€ Let's show our respect and appreciation for the land and its people! π #OptimizeDEI #LandAcknowledgement #RespectTheLand #IndigenousPeoples #BuildingABetterFuture #HonorNativeLand
Let's Go Beyond Land Acknowledgements!
As we sit and reflect on the traditional lands upon which you reside, we realize that simply acknowledging the Indigenous peoples who have stewarded these lands for centuries is not enough. It is time to take action and support Indigenous rights.
The evidence is clear that for far too long, Indigenous peoples have been marginalized and oppressed by colonialism and systemic racism. Their land, culture, and sovereignty have been stripped away, leaving them with little autonomy or agency. But this doesn't have to be the reality.
By going beyond land acknowledgements, we can be a part of the solution. We can learn about Indigenous cultures and histories, amplify Indigenous voices and perspectives, and support Indigenous-led initiatives and organizations.
One way to take action is to educate yourself on the treaties and agreements that shape Indigenous rights in your area. You can also advocate for policies that recognize and uphold Indigenous sovereignty, such as supporting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Another way to support Indigenous rights is to invest in Indigenous businesses and artists. By doing so, you help to empower Indigenous communities and preserve their cultures and traditions.
It may feel overwhelming to confront the systemic injustices faced by Indigenous peoples, but remember that every small action counts. Start by having conversations with your friends and family, reading books and articles by Indigenous authors, and seeking out opportunities to learn from Indigenous leaders and activists.
Together, we can "go beyond land acknowledgements" and create a world that truly honors and supports Indigenous rights. Let us take action today and every day to ensure that Indigenous peoples can thrive and flourish in their rightful place as stewards of their lands and cultures.
Resources and More Information:
Native Land: https://native-land.ca - provides a map of traditional territories and a territory acknowledgement guide.
US Department of Arts and Culture: https://usdac.us/nativeland/ - provides a guide on how to do a land acknowledgement and additional resources.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: http://www.trc.ca/resources.html - provides resources and information about the history and ongoing impacts of residential schools in Canada.
Decolonizing Practices: https://decolonizingpractices.org/ - provides a toolkit on how to decolonize practices and offers resources on land acknowledgements.
Indigenous Corporate Training Inc.: https://www.ictinc.ca/blog/why-and-how-to-do-a-land-acknowledgment-in-canada - provides a guide on how to do a land acknowledgement in Canada.
Native Governance Center: https://nativegov.org/resources/land-acknowledgement - provides a resource guide on land acknowledgements and offers additional resources on Indigenous governance.
National Indigenous Survivors of Child Welfare Network: https://niscw.org/ - provides resources and support for Indigenous people impacted by child welfare policies.
Native American Rights Fund: https://www.narf.org/ - provides resources and advocacy for Native American rights and sovereignty.
Decolonizing Wealth Project: https://decolonizingwealth.com/ - provides resources and information on how to decolonize wealth and offers additional resources on land acknowledgements.
Indigenous Environmental Network: https://www.ienearth.org/ - provides resources and advocacy for Indigenous environmental issues and offers additional resources on land acknowledgements.